Config Generator In Hyperledger Fabric


Every Ledger starts with a transaction kept inside the block but what will be the first block? Well, the answer is genesis block. Now, another question how to generate this genesis block? For this part we can use the configtxgen tool to generate the initial or genesis block.
The tool is primarily focused on generating the genesis block for bootstrapping the orderer, but it is intended to be enhanced in the future for generating new channel configurations as well as reconfiguring existing channels.

This tool takes the parameter in form of the configtx.yaml file. You can find the sample configtx.yaml file under the directory fabric/sampleconfig/configtx.yaml on github.

Lets explore the configtx.yaml file. This file mainly contains the following sections:-

  • The Profiles section.
  • The Organizations section.
  • The default sections.

The Profile Section :- Profiles can make a good starting point for construction a real deployment profile.Profiles…

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